This tournament is a coach’s dream.  Although I couldn’t attend the tournament, I got the wonderful news that all 3 schools I coach at finished 1-2-3 in the Elementary Championships.  Roberts Elementary and The Village School tied for 1st place, with Roberts having the better tiebreaks.  TH Rogers took 3rd place in the Elementary Championships.  I am especially proud of Roberts Elementary as I have been working here for close to a year now.  They have quite the talent pool at this school.  A team consists of 4 players and I am elated that we were able to get together 4 players from Roberts Elementary together a day before the tournament.  I would like to congratulate several of my students: one gained over 200 points (pushing past 1200), another for getting close to 1150, and another for tieing for 1st place in his section.  Great job to all the individuals and teams!!!